Excursion Traditional irish bread making tour at Belfast
Cruise line: SilverseaDifficulty:
Discover the secret to traditional Irish bread-making during this memorable, half-day cooking excursion at a private home.
Belfast, County Down and Strangford Lough
Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately one-hour drive south towards Strangford Lough. The patron saint of Ireland, Saint Patrick, is said to have sailed into this large, 58-square-mile (about 150-square-kilometre) inlet, located in County Down, Northern Ireland. An area of outstanding beauty, Strangford Lough is home to over 2,000 marine species.
Private Home Visit
A visit is made to the home of Tracey Jeffrey, an 18th-century thatched cottage located on the banks of Strangford Lough. Tracey is a qualified teacher, trainer and pattissiere. She lived in France for many years, perfecting the art of patisserie-making along the way. Today, she shares her experiences through baking classes in her home utilising local produce.
Interactive Bread-Making Class
Upon arrival, proceed for an interactive bread-making lesson with Tracey's expert bread-baker, Fred. Quality ingredients play an important part in the baking class today, so watch and learn how Fred makes the perfect blend to create delicious bread. Along the way, you are invited to try your hand at traditional bread-making, too. Afterward, relax and enjoy some tea or coffee with the tasty treats that you have helped to prepare. At the conclusion of your visit, re-board the coach and commence the approximately one-hour drive back to the pier.
Points of interests
Points of interest seen on this excursion include: Belfast City, County Down, Strangford Lough, Private Home Visit, Baking Lesson and Tasting