HomeDestinationsNorthern Europe

Departure calendar Northern Europe

Have you already decided when will be your next cruise with destination Northern Europe? Whatever month you choose will be the perfect opportunity to set off to discover the local wonders

Cruises Northern Europe

1482 cruises

Northern Europe: Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Netherlands, France

Prague Itinerary Northern Europe
from ₹8,93,226.66
price per person Taxes included
Scenic Jade | 21-Sep-2025
Duration: 20 nights
Departure from: Prague Landing: Paris
1. Prague,
2. Prague,
3. Prague,
4. Prague,
5. Budapest,
6. Vienna,
7. Vienna,
8. Krems,
9. Passau,
10. Regensburg,
11. Norimberga,
12. Mühlhausen/Thüringen,
13. Wurzburg,
14. Wertheim,
15. Rudesheim,
16. Koln,
17. Amsterdam,
18. Amsterdam,
19. Paris,
20. Paris,
21. Paris

Northern Europe: Germany, Czech Republic

Berlin Itinerary Northern Europe
from ₹3,65,049.91
price per person Taxes included
Viking Astrild | 06-Dec-2025
Duration: 9 nights
Departure from: Berlin Landing: Prague
1. Berlin,
2. Berlin,
3. Potsdam,
4. Wittenberg,
5. Meissen,
6. Dresden,
7. navigation,
8. Prague,
9. Prague,
10. Prague

Northern Europe: Iceland

Reykjavik Itinerary Northern Europe
from ₹1,36,745.38
price per person Taxes included
8 reservations in 48 hours
Celebrity Silhouette | 01-Aug-2026
Duration: 7 nights
Departure from: Reykjavik Landing: Reykjavik
1. Reykjavik,
2. navigation,
3. Seydisfjordur,
4. Akureyri,
5. Isafjordur,
6. navigation,
7. Reykjavik,
8. Reykjavik

Northern Europe: Germany, Czech Republic

Berlin Itinerary Northern Europe
from ₹3,46,792.85
price per person Taxes included
Viking Beyla | 24-Jun-2025
Duration: 9 nights
Departure from: Berlin Landing: Prague
1. Berlin,
2. Berlin,
3. Wittenberg,
4. Wittenberg,
5. Meissen,
6. Dresden,
7. navigation,
8. Prague,
9. Prague,
10. Prague

Northern Europe: Svalbard

Longyearbyen Itinerary Northern Europe
from ₹14,33,179.21
price per person Taxes included
1 booking in 72 hours
Silver Endeavour | 19-Jun-2025
Duration: 7 nights
Departure from: Longyearbyen Landing: Longyearbyen
1. Longyearbyen,
2. Svalbard,
3. Svalbard,
4. Svalbard,
5. Svalbard,
6. Svalbard,
7. Svalbard,
8. Longyearbyen

Northern Europe: Germany, United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal

Hamburg Itinerary Northern Europe
from ₹3,54,095.68
price per person Taxes included
Queen Anne | 19-Dec-2025
Duration: 18 nights
Departure from: Hamburg Landing: Hamburg
1. Hamburg,
2. navigation,
3. Southampton,
4. navigation,
5. navigation,
6. Cadiz,
7. navigation,
8. Funchal,
9. Lanzarote,
10. Las Palmas,
11. Fuerteventura,
12. navigation,
13. Lisbon,
14. Lisbon,
15. navigation,
16. navigation,
17. Southampton,
18. navigation,
19. Hamburg

Northern Europe: Netherlands, United Kingdom, Ireland, Norway

Rotterdam Itinerary Northern Europe
from ₹4,06,219.58
price per person Taxes included
Nieuw Statendam | 01-Jun-2025
Duration: 28 nights
Departure from: Rotterdam Landing: Rotterdam
1. Rotterdam,
2. navigation,
3. South Queensferry,
4. Kirkwall,
5. Lerwick,
6. Stornoway,
7. Belfast,
8. Greenock,
9. navigation,
10. Isola di Man,
13. navigation,
14. Dover,
15. Rotterdam,
16. navigation,
17. Molde,
18. Trondheim,
19. navigation,
20. navigation,
21. Honningsvåg,
22. Tromsoe,
23. Leknes,
24. navigation,
25. Lerwick,
26. Invergordon,
27. South Queensferry,
28. navigation,
29. Dover,
30. Rotterdam

Northern Europe: United Kingdom, Netherlands, Ireland, Norway

Dover Itinerary Northern Europe
from ₹6,17,088.63
price per person Taxes included
3 reservations in 72 hours
Nieuw Statendam | 29-May-2026
Duration: 28 nights
Departure from: Dover Landing: Dover
1. Dover,
2. Rotterdam,
3. navigation,
4. South Queensferry,
5. Lerwick,
6. Portree,
7. Killybegs,
8. Greenock,
9. Greenock,
10. Holyhead,
11. Cork,
12. navigation,
13. Dover,
14. Rotterdam,
15. navigation,
16. navigation,
17. Eidfjord,
19. navigation,
20. Trondheim,
21. navigation,
22. Leknes,
23. Tromsoe,
24. navigation,
25. Honningsvåg,
26. navigation,
27. navigation,
28. Lerwick,
29. navigation,
30. Dover

Northern Europe: Finland, Svalbard, Iceland

Helsinki Itinerary Northern Europe
from ₹8,12,347.88
price per person Taxes included
Ocean Explorer | 31-May-2025
Duration: 9 nights
Departure from: Helsinki Landing: Helsinki
1. Helsinki,
2. Longyearbyen,
4. Hornsund,
9. Longyearbyen,
10. Helsinki

Northern Europe: Norway, Faroe Islands, Iceland

Bergen Itinerary Northern Europe
from ₹5,75,006.10
price per person Taxes included
Viking Jupiter | 18-Aug-2025
Duration: 12 nights
Departure from: Bergen Landing: Reykjavik
1. Bergen,
2. Bergen,
3. Flam,
4. Alesund,
5. Geiranger,
6. navigation,
7. Torshavn,
8. navigation,
9. Seydisfjordur,
10. Akureyri,
11. Isafjordur,
12. Reykjavik,
13. Reykjavik
1482 cruises

Reviews Northern Europe

262 reviews with average 8.43

Discover the impressions and ratings of other cruisers about cruises Northern Europe. Evaluate the experiences of others and make the right choice

star star star star star 10/10

ANNA TOSTO Tuesday, 17 December, 2024
star star star star star 10/10

giuseppe Wednesday, 4 December, 2024
star star star star 8/10

Vanna Riva Sunday, 3 November, 2024
star star star star star 10/10

Pier Tomaso Cossu Saturday, 5 October, 2024
star star star star star 10/10

Cabina per Elena e Federico Thursday, 19 September, 2024
star star star 5/10

Rita Zanin Thursday, 19 September, 2024
star star star star star 10/10

Luciana Berardi Thursday, 19 September, 2024
star star star star star 10/10

Claudio Perotti Wednesday, 18 September, 2024
star star star star star 9/10

GIGI LOBINO Monday, 9 September, 2024
star star star star star 10/10

Alessandro Forlani Friday, 30 August, 2024

Northern Europe: the ships

Get ready to experience your sea holiday aboard the best cruise ships operating from the main ports of the Northern Europe area

Northern Europe: The countries to visit

Immerse yourself fully in the local culture and get ready to discover the wonders and gastronomy of the destination Northern Europe, one of the most loved and visited in the world.