Excursion Jewels of the north tour at Akureyri

Cruise line: Silversea

Experience volcanic energy and natural wonders during this full-day tour such as: Vast lava fields, bubbling hot pools and hissing fumaroles; craters and Luna-landscapes; historical waterfalls and internationally acclaimed bird life; sweeping valleys and green pasture lands.

This tour offers the opportunity to see the major highlights accessible from Akureyri on a one-day trip. Leaving the port, a 45-minute drive takes you to the Godafoss waterfall.

Godafoss Waterfalls

The 'Waterfalls of the Gods' is not only one of Iceland's most beautiful waterfalls, but also a historical site named after the pagan idols, which a chieftain threw into the falls when Iceland adopted Christianity. After a photo stop, proceed to the Lake Myvatn district.

Lake Myvatn

This area is famous for its grandiose scenery and bird life. It is also one of the most volcanically active regions on earth. Nowhere else in Iceland can you see the same combination of craters, fresh lava fields, hot springs, geysers and bubbling mood pools. Take a walk to explore several pseudo craters, before continuing to Dimmuborgir, a moonscape of mesmerizing lava fields.

Dimmuborgir Lava Fields, Skutustadir Pseudo Craters

View this dramatic lava landscape of strange formations, jagged columns and arches before proceeding for lunch at a local restaurant located by the Skutustadir Pseudo Craters. After lunch, drive to the final destination of the day, Namaskard geothermal fields.

Namaskard Geothermal Fields

This stunning geothermal fields are located next to the Namafjall Mountain. The area is covered with mud pools, steam vents, sulphur deposits, boiling springs and fumaroles.

Passing through Reykjahlid Village, continue along the shores of Lake Myvatn and then head back to Akureyri and the ship.

Points of interests

Points of interest seen on this excursion include: Akureyri, Godafoss Waterfalls, Lake Myvatn District, , Dimmuborgir Lava Fields, Namaskard Geothermal Fields, Namafjall Mountain, Skutustadir Pseudo Craters.


Please note: This tour requires a moderate amount of walking, over marked pathways of mud, gravel and loose stones underfoot at all of the locations visited. The pathways can be "slippery" because of loose gravel and there are some slight inclines to negotiate. We recommend wearing sturdy shoes and dressing in layers. This tour is suitable for guests with limited mobility and those who utilise a wheelchair as guests may stay on the coach to avoid walking. The order of sights may be reversed.